Thursday, 14 November 2013

6th years later...

Time seem to fly at top speed when someone is gone.. its the 6th years since u have left us and i recently developed a strong dislike going to the temple where you are resting.. cos its a cruel reminder that i can never talk, see or hear you ever again..

I'm getting married next year and i really hope you will be there.. its a great pity that you wont personally get to know your brother-in-law, the man your little sister is going to spend the rest of her life with.. well i guess this is life. your passing is a great reminder to me that i should never ever waste time doing anything that will not give me any meaning in life.

I'm still trying hard to be a better person and hope you will give me the strength and courage to step out of my comfort zone and achieve what i am suppose to achieve in life.
please continue to bless our parents with great health and happiness (whatever that's left) and of cos, our fatty brother and great sis in law.. bless them with a healthy and smart kid.

Not forgetting Debbie and her family.. Jayden and Jerlynn are really beautiful kids i've ever seen.. Please bless her family with great health and constant happiness.

Hope you are doing well up there with all the other angels.. miss you..

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