Wednesday, 13 November 2013

6 years on..

Hi baby,

How have you been? 6 years on and it still feels as though I'm stuck 6 years back.. Well, I guess the world just stops moving when you lose your loved ones? I miss you loads and though I'm much better than 6 years ago when I used to cry buckets of tears.. I admit today is still always the hardest to get by every single year.

I will always turn to your Fb or your blogspot as an avenue to let out my "frustrations".. Because this is my only channel left for me to" speak" to you..

The guys from NTU alumni raced last weekend and they were really nice to ask me over.. I feel bad coz I find it really tough even up till now to attend any race without you rowing in it.. And even more worse to know that i would never see you rowing in another.. After all, I have seen you grow up rowing in canoeing and paddling in dragon boat races for almost ten years.. It's like a super long and endearing journey that we had gone through together..

But I actually miss that kind of familiarity..  The rowing scene, the cheering, the teamwork, the "bai dong", the "gan cheong"  feeling.. Sometimes I feel like I'm a changed person after you left.. I no longer do sports now.. Or rather I dun have the time for a half an hour jog even. . And even Courage has left to become another angel. I bet she must have decided that you would be able to spend more time running with her than I possibly could. =)

I miss talking to you so much.. I'm sure many of your friends too.. I hope you are still watching over us while carrying on with your chores above..

Missing you dearly... And loving you wholeheartedly.. Always.

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