Tuesday, 29 January 2008


it's my 4th week of uni life.. i'm asked to write a super long essay... and my natural reaction was to msg u and ask you how to start and what to research.... than i remembered.............

haiz... you have always been my rock... since my Os and poly.. with watever maths questions or lengthy essay questions.... and the essay you helped me with for the uni admission... titled my idol.... i wanted to write about you.. coz you are one of the few all-rounder i knew... not only with gd results, but captain of both canoe and dragonboat team... i was super proud of you... than witness the relationship u had with deb.... u guys sure had you ups and downs... but still.. both of you made it.. than you were the first one in the family to meet yl... i remembered u still ask me why would i wanna go out with someone who's 6 years older than me... i know u feel weird that he's 1 yr older than you... i just shug my shoulders and said dont know... coz i cant tell you that he's the only guy i met over the years that have qualities like you.... good in studies, serious with work and a family man... just like you....

we miss you so much.... be sure to bless everyone who loves you with good health and happiness....

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